Wednesday 5 October 2011

To Determine an Enzyme's Optimal Temperature

Title: Enzymes
Aim: To determine the optimal temperature of an enzyme.
Apparatus & Materials:
1.      Pour 10ml of potato extract in a clean, dry beaker and place beaker in water bath that is at 500C.
2.      Immediately add 10ml of hydrogen peroxide to beaker with potato extract.
3.      Remove the beaker at the end of three minutes and use a ruler to measure the height of bubbles produced.
4.      Repeat the above steps at 400C, 35OC, 320C , 200C and 100C.
5.      Use an appropriate equation to calculate the rate of reaction in m/s (standard form please)
6.      Record your results in a suitable table.
7.      Use your results to plot an appropriate graph.
Discussion questions:
1.      Define enzyme, optimum temperature and rate of reaction.
2.      State the importance of hydrogen peroxide degradation.
3.      Account for your results briefly. Identify the enzyme, substrates and products (write a chemical equation that summarizes the reaction). What factors were kept constant and why were they kept constant?
4.      Why did you blend potato?
5.      List two limitations.

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